Pregnancy Ticker

Thursday, September 5, 2013

39 Weeks and Counting Down

So, the countdown is on.  Adam is snuggling up and keeping warm inside my belly, which is cramping and contracting at a regularly irregular pace. ha!  My appointment this week was originally scheduled for Wednesday, but Monday night I had some pretty intense and regular contractions so by Tuesday morning I decided to call the doctor and move my appointment.  I saw a nurse practitioner Tuesday morning and she gave me some discouraging news.  After a week of contractions I am still only 3 centimeters dilated, and have effaced to 60%.  I mentioned to her wanting to discuss induction if I haven't had him by my due date, and she said the doctors wouldn't even consider talking to me about that until I was exactly 39 weeks... which was the VERY next day.  

So, my next appointment is scheduled on my due date, September 11th.  So we shall see if I have my sweet baby boy in the next few days, or if he will be a late baby.  Johnathan predicts since he is a Kemp, he will probably be late. So true, although Anna Rae came right on time!

As for how I'm feeling... other than getting pretty annoyed by the comments I get at work, "shouldn't you have already had that baby," and "my god you are huge, you need to just have that baby." etc. etc. I'm doing pretty good.  I'm still working full time, and trying to cram getting some priority deadlines done.  My lower back is KILLING me, but I'm still trying to get in walks every evening and relaxing baths at night really help.  Some days I have a ton of contractions and get a little excited, but then other days, like today, I hardly have any and am feeling great.  I better stop complaining and soak these good days up right!

Sweet Adam, we are so excited, anxious, and can't wait to meet you!!! Any day now... we are ready! :)


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

38 week stats!

I had a great doctor's appointment yesterday!  At now 38 weeks here are my stats:

3cm dilated
50% effaced
Baby's head is very low
They did not estimate baby's weight
Contractions are getting more consistent and stronger 
Back pain is getting worse; mainly when walking

I'm feeling great (besides the usual back back and contractions), but tired, and SO ready to meet my little man!  Johnathan and I discussed a plan of action last night if I go into labor at home, and what we would do if I went into labor while we were at work.  His biggest concern was what to do if my water breaks... haul ass to the hospital, or would he have time to come home and shower before making his way to the hospital.  I didn't really know how to answer that question, other than we would play it by my pain level.  If my water breaks and I'm not in a terrible amount of pain then we don't have to speed, but should get to the hospital soon.  Any other concerns, like if my contractions get consistent and closer together I decided I would call the on call doctor and consult with him/her before jumping in the car to the hospital.  Hopefully this plan will work out.  And on that note, we better put the car seat in the car... just in case!

On Sunday my sister took some fabulous belly pics for us!  Looking back, we took pictures at the same time with Anna Rae, and I think I looked pretty much the same... here are some of my favorites.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Full Term Winter Melon

I have never seen a winter melon, but imagine it's something like a watermelon because that's about what my stomach looks like! ha!  Adam is still kicking away, but his movements have become a little more painful as he does all he can do to stretch out with the tiny amount of space left in his cozy little temporary home.  And speaking of his home, I don't think I have blogged about his "nursery."  Since we are now living in my parent's rental house with only two bedrooms, little Adam is shacking up with us.  We put the pack-n-play in a corner of our bedroom, and will keep him in there until he gets a little bigger.  Maybe sometime before the end of the year we will move the crib in there.  The crib takes up so much more room than the pack-n-play, which is why we opted for the first couple of months while he is so little to just keep him in there.  Hopefully this will work out nicely.    

At this week's doctors appointment everything went great.  Found out I am slowly making some progress... 1 centimeter dilated and 50% effaced!  I'm also battling a sinus infection, but was able to get some antibiotics and cough medicine from the doctor, so hopefully in the next couple days I will start feeling much better.

In sadder news... we sold Johnathan's truck.  It's a little bittersweet because everyone in the family had a little attachment to that great truck, but it was the best financial decision for us.  I promised him one day we will get a new bad ass truck for him, and his sacrifice will be so worth it in the end!  This all came about after Johnathan has been reading Dave Ramsey's book, The Total Money Makeover.  The book has some great ideas about saving, spending, and getting out of debt.  We want to be good role models for our children, and make sure we make the best financial decisions for both ourselves and their futures.  We are on the right track to build our beautiful dream home, and I can't wait to start! 

Here is a picture at 37 weeks!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Overdue Post

I promise, Adam, I'm not trying to be slack, but between getting ready for your arrival and work and keeping up with your sister, it's hard to find time to write about all the great things happening. 

My doctor's appointments have started to be weekly now, which means I'm in the final stretch!  Hopefully these appointments will start showing more progress than today's appointment.  At 36 weeks baby Adam is perfect size, and I'm a centimeter dilated, but not effaced at all.  Let's hope all these cramps and contractions are doing their job and we get to meet little Adam soon! 

During my appointment last week I was tested for group B strep, which I have again.  That just means I will have to be put on an IV when I deliver.  I can handle that, and had it with Anna Rae, so I was not surprised to hear I had it again. 

Lately cramps and exhaustion is keeping me down, but I'm still working and still running around after a 2 year old!  I try to take walks after work, but in this heat it's impossible.  I have started to learn to ask Johnathan to do more things around the house so that I can relax a little.  Saturday we went shopping in Raleigh for all things baby... we went to Babies R Us to get items we didn't get from our showers and we really racked up on some good deals, not to mention we had over $300 in gift cards to use! Thank you!!!  I opted to not get the tandem stroller and instead just got the ergo baby carrier.  I figured I would get much more use out of the carrier since we really don't use the stroller that much anymore.  Hopefully that was a good move.  I also invested in some good nursing bras.  Can you believe I never used them with Anna Rae, but this time I know better! 

Last Friday my office threw me a really sweet luncheon shower!  I got some great necessary gifts for Adam and we had a great time.  Now, I think I'm set, and ready for his arrival! 

Friday, July 19, 2013

Showered with Love

Last Sunday my sister along with some women of our church threw me a nautical themed baby shower for Adam.  We had a great time and received a ton of great gifts for little man.  Fortunately, I got a good variety of necessary items, like diapers and wipes, clothes, bathroom supplies and towels, etc.  After Sunday, while washing baby clothes and organizing everything I've decided that I'm ready for him to get here!  While I'm still a little anxious about how to care for two young children, I'm ready to figure out this new schedule with two, ready to embark on this journey with Johnathan, and ready to learn more than I ever thought I would. And most importantly, I'm ready to complete our little family.

Here are some pictures from the shower - and me at 32 weeks!

32 Week 3Ds!

Here is little Adam at 32 weeks... estimated 4.4 lbs, and according to Crystal, our ultrasound tech, his head is REALLY low, and he is in the perfect position for delivery! yay!

Here is Anna Rae at 32 weeks... Something tells me they are going to look just alike! :)

And here I am at 32 weeks!

The remainder of the doctor visit yesterday went pretty uneventful.  I did talk to the doctor about my crazy back labor contractions I had last Friday morning.  They came every 10 minutes for an hour straight, and were pretty painful.  I took a hot shower and ate some breakfast, and they eventually went away.  Thank goodness!  The doctor said he could contract all he wanted after 36 weeks! 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

31 Weeks!

Here we are... counting down the weeks and days instead of months looking forward to meeting our precious little boy!  Recently I find myself coming to the realization I'm having a boy and freaking out a little.  I know at first it won't be much different from Anna Rae, but it seems I know nothing about "boy" stuff and I feel so unprepared.  I gravitate to girly items in a store, want to watch all the girly movies and shows on tv, and am partial to girl clothes.  Although I know Johnathan will make sure his son is "all boy," I want to be a part of that too.  The "boy" stuff I like is NASCAR, football, basketball, fishing, and a big truck... and that's about it.  But, then I started to think... Anna Rae plays in the dirt, just like a boy would, and probably gets just as dirty and loves it.  

In an online Q&A regarding this same matter, I read answers from mothers with boys.  Of course most of their advice was geared towards how to not get peed on, but in all honesty I could care less about the pee.  I read one that calmed my fears... "When he gets big enough for his boy-ness to matter, you will already be so intimately familiar with him, the person, that the rest will come naturally. Just be open to falling in love with your baby and discovering who he is."  I need to remember that I bonded the same with Anna Rae, and it wasn't just because I was a girl too, but as she developed a personality we developed a relationship, and it seems so natural now.  I know it will be the same with Adam.  

I'm also getting a little nervous about just caring for a newborn again.  I know some moms who think it will be easier the second time around because they've done it before, and in some respects I do feel that way.  But you also forget so easily... the labor and birth, the long nights and little sleep, breastfeeding fears, bouts of non stop crying and spitting up... and then there is a new element... potentially waking up Anna Rae in the middle of the night with his crying, so now we are having to comfort two children.  Oh, and I can't forget we have TWO dogs now, which in the grand scheme of things don't make much of a difference, but it all seems very overwhelming.  I'm sure all moms go through this, and now that I've written all this down I am even more glad that we haven't started building our house yet!  Ha! 

So there it is Adam.  My fears may seem overwhelming, but the thought of having you in our lives is such an unbelievable joy and a gift and I can't wait!  This is what life, and family, is all about!   

Friday, July 5, 2013

30 Weeks and A Little Firecracker is Growing Up

My little cucumber is moving right along... and moving all the time!  Today was our 30 week appointment, and everything is great.  I was curious to find out if he was still breach, although with all the kicks to my right side I figured he had moved.  And he has... the doctor pointed out to me where all of his body parts were... head was down, body to the left, and arms and legs to the right, which would explain all the movement happening over there.  I asked about all the cramping in my lower abdomen and sudden bouts of nausea, and of course everything is normal and I've got to push through it for at least another 10 weeks.  I've also already started feeling my pelvic bones moving, which really just feels like they are extremely sore.  The doctor checked today to see if I was dilated or effaced any, and no progress yet.  I was actually a little surprised to see them checking already, but of course didn't ask why.

Although I'm having some aches and pains, which is pretty typical at this point in my pregnancy, I am enjoying the last few weeks of my pregnancy, and savoring each moment.  I can't wait to meet my sweet baby boy, watch him develop a personality, and especially watch he and Anna Rae develop a relationship. 

And speaking of Anna Rae... this blog post is two fold... She turned 2 yesterday and we had a great party with the family.  Although it had been raining for the past 40 days it seemed, it rained a little on and off in the morning, but ended up being a beautiful 4th of July.  We had her party at my mom's house, and afterward we took her swimming... just me, Johnathan, and his mom and John.  It was nice, quiet, relaxing, and Anna Rae had a great time!  We got her a puddle jumper, and she loves it!  It gives her a ton of independence in the pool, and we are teaching her how to swim and she's doing a great job!  After the pool we all three took a short nap, ate pizza for dinner, then went to the Harness Track in Pinehurst to watch the fireworks... which of course Johnathan told her was all for her birthday!!!  She was a little scared when they first started, because of course she doesn't remember watching them there last year.  But once we reassured her that it was fun and pretty, and the fireworks weren't going to get in her eyes, nose, or mouth, I think she had a good time.  She told us afterward that she liked them.  Hopefully next year the weather and fireworks will be just as good!!!
Here are a couple pictures from her party... and me at 30 weeks! 

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Home Stretch and In the Clear!

I've never seen an acorn squash before, but that's how big Adam is this week!  He kicks like a champ, and I can feel him moving around in there almost all the time.  I love that, if this is my last pregnancy, I'm able to feel him so much.  I'm cherishing these last few weeks as much as I can.

And speaking of cherishing pregnancy, it always has its ups and downs.  Feeling him move is the greatest high, but my aches and pains this time around have been much worse.  I get stitch cramps in my lower abdomen, like those you might get after running a few miles, and the braxton hicks contractions seem much stronger with Adam.  I talked to the doctor about it last week, and she explained that since all my muscles and bones down there have already moved and stretched once, when it happens a second time it's more painful.  I would have thought the opposite, but what do I know?!?  I've also been nauseous on and off the last couple of days, and I read that hormone levels tend to pick back up during the final trimester, just as it did in the first, which for some women can bring on nausea.  GREAT.

Last week's doctor's appointment was the glucose testing to find out if I had gestational diabetes and/or low iron.  An hour after drinking the nasty stuff I describe as syrupy sunkist, I tested negative for diabetes and my iron was perfect!  I have to say I was a little worried this time because I have been eating a ton of sweets during this pregnancy.  Hopefully that craving will deminish after Adam is born or I'm in trouble!

Now the doctor appointments will be every two weeks.  Since every doctor's appointment seems like one step closer to meeting Adam, I am so excited about my appointments being closer together.

In other news, we are all moved in and settled into the house we are renting from my parents.  I have to admit I'm enjoying it more than I thought I would, and Johnathan is too.  Now, we are getting on track to finish the year out, enjoy little Adam and the holidays, and hopefully by next summer we will be ready to start building our dream house!

And last, but not least, Johnathan and I celebrated our 7 year anniversary yesterday!  We went to Ironwood for dinner, which is sort of a staple for us.  We had many date nights there when we were dating, Johnathan got a speeding ticket on the way there for dinner one of those date nights, and we had our rehearsal dinner there the night before our wedding.  Great food, and a nice, quiet atmosphere, which these days are priceless!  After dinner we tried a somewhat new place in town, Di'lishi Frozen Yogurt Bar, for the first time.  That was quite a unique experience, the yogurt was great, but the total chaos at the yogurt machines was not what I invisioned.  Maybe they should hire another employee to stand guard of the yogurt and control the madness! ;)

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Friday, June 7, 2013

Random Little Cabbage Hiccups

Well, I've almost made it through the second trimester, and I just started thinking about how fast this pregnancy has gone.  Here are a few little random thoughts about little Adam in my belly...
- He kicks, almost constantly
- He had the hiccups for the first time this week, and they lasted a pretty long time
- Everyone thinks he's going to be a BIG boy, based on the size of me now, and aren't afraid to tell me how BIG I am... not a fan
- Anna Rae loves to rest her head on my belly
- I'm still going to the gym about 3 times a week, and it makes me feel so good
- We closed on our old house today! YAY!  What a headache, but we are ready to move on to bigger and better things! :)

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Moving Little Grapefruit Boy!

We had baby Adam's 23 week appointment today, and he is doing great!  His heartbeat was a strong 150, and he's moving around like crazy!  Basically, if I'm still, he's moving.  My only concern today was that I've already started having Braxton Hicks contractions.  I wrote about having contractions at 36 weeks with Anna Rae, and I'm almost certain I wasn't having Braxton Hicks this early in my pregnancy with her.  I talked to the doctor about it and she reassured me that since it's my second child everything will happen a little sooner, and since I know what it feels like, I can zone in on it more than I did with Anna Rae.

I hate to keep comparing pregnancies, because Adam's is just as unique and special as Anna Rae's was, but reading back at 23 weeks with her I can't believe I was able to still fit in a pair of my regular jeans!  Maybe it's because they are more comfortable, but I started wearing maternity pants a while ago! haha  There is no way I could get my belly in a pair of my regular jeans right now. 

Well, the baby's moving, and so are we!!!  We FINALLY sold our house, and are scheduled to close on June 3rd!  Although it's a little bittersweet because that was the first house we ever bought, and share some good memories in that house, I'm so excited about the future!  We are going to temporarily live in my mom's second house until we start BUILDING!  I've already picked out the house, made changes to the plans, and can't wait to move into our dream house.  But, we've decided to take one thing at a time, and are not going to start building until I've had Adam.  Still, we are one step closer!!!  

Monday, April 22, 2013

It's a BOY!!!

 April 18th was the big day!  We were so excited and couldn't WAIT to find out if we were having another girl or a boy.  Heading into the ultrasound room I could tell that Johnathan couldn't be more nervous... although I knew he would have been thrilled if it was another girl, I knew deep down he had been dreaming about a little boy for a long time.  We both thought it would be great to get the best of both worlds and have one of each. 

Before the appointment I made these little signs for Anna Rae to hold up... one said, "I'm getting a little brother, it's a boy!" The other the same but for a girl.  She took excellent pictures for the boy's sign... sat there and smiled pretty.  The girl sign, on the other hand, was hilarious.  She didn't want to hold it and crumpled it up so much that we decided if it was a girl we wouldn't let her do the announcing. 

So the time came, after seeing his precious head, arms, legs, back belly, etc. for the big reveal.  Legs wide open and yes, it's a boy!!! We were so excited!!!!!!  I can't wait to meet my little precious boy!

For names, we had decided early on that we would stick with family names since Anna Rae was named after family.  It he had been a girl we were going to name her Rachel (my first name).  So for a boy, we went with Johnathan's middle name, Adam.  The middle name is a little trickier, and we haven't settled on what that will be quite yet. 

The rest of the appointment was not as eventful.  We did learn that little Adam is not so little, and actually measuring a week ahead of his due date.  We also found out that he is breech.  I'm a little worried about that, but I know there is plently of time for him to move.  Let's pray he doesn't get comfortable in that position! 

At 19 weeks! (and the doggies)

Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy Easter and a Whole Lot of Flutters!

We had a great Easter yesterday!  Church was great, and afterwards we had a very good lunch at my uncle's house.  After lunch the kids had an easter egg hunt, and then we went to my mom's house for more easter basket goodies!  She still loves to give us all easter basket gifts full of candy and a little something special, and we all love and appreciate it so much!  Makes me feel like a kid again!

We've reached a fun point in my pregnancy that I don't think I noticed this early with Anna Rae... the baby is moving SO much and I can feel every flutter!  I don't remember feeling Anna Rae this early in my pregnancy, probably because I didn't know what I was supposed to be feeling.  But, once you feel that feeling you don't forget!  AND, actually, Johnathan was able to feel a little kick or two last night! This point in my pregnancy makes me so happy.  I don't feel nearly as worried and know if I start to worry I can be still and quiet for a minute and kick, there it is! :) 

Here is a picture of Anna Rae in her Easter dress yesterday... and yes, she's sporting Chuck Taylors with her dress! :)

Friday, March 22, 2013

The Bump

Here is a picture of me at 15 weeks with Anna Rae...

And here is me at 15 weeks now, with baby number two...

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Good, Strong Heartbeat

I'm 15 weeks and had a check up with the doctor today.  Everything went smooth and thankfully uneventful.  The doctor checked the baby's heartbeat with the doppler radar (that's what I call it, anyway), and we not only heard a strong, fast heartbeat, but a very bouncy baby too!  The doctor told me there was a very distinct sound of the baby actually kicking off my belly and moving around.  It was very neat, and so cute to hear!  I have a feeling we will have our hands full and get plenty of exercise running after this baby! 

Johnathan and I have neglected baby bump pictures, but not on purpose.  I think about it during the day, and then we get so busy at night we both completely forget about it!  There is a bump there, and it's getting bigger by the day.  I really will take a picture soon because I am anxious to see the difference in how big I was with Anna Rae at this stage. 

Maternity clothes still suck.  I'm not wearing any dress pants anymore... partly because I have to unbutton them when I sit down, and partly because I'm protesting this COLD weather in spring!  I can't wait to just throw on a sun dress and go.

Our next appointment is the big one! April 18th we will hopefully find out the sex of the baby, and I can't wait!!! 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Bye, Bye First Trimester!

I'm pretty sure at this time with Anna Rae my blog post was titled the same thing.  But last time I was so relieved it was over because I knew the nausea would go away.  With this pregnancy I have been a little sick some days, but not nearly as sick as I was with her.  I'm most excited about my change of mood.  I have been so cranky and more short tempered than usual, which is really bad!  For the past few days I've noticed that I have had more energy and seem much more pleasant.  The other major difference in pregnancies is (TMI warning) my boobs are extremely sore.  They didn't get sore with Anna Rae until I was breast feeding.  And actually, they have been sore since I found out I was pregnant... that was one of my "signs."

I'm getting busier at work... which for some people would make them stressed and crazy, but for me, I love it.  The often times fast pace and always cluttered desk is good for me.  I go crazy with little to do, and think about all the other stuff I could be doing instead of work (what's for dinner, I need to do laundry, when is the house going to sell, look at more house plans, stop looking at more house plans and stick with the one I've picked out, etc. etc.) You get the picture.

I've taken a couple belly shots, but this week I think I've really started poking out... so here you go!

13 weeks!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Lime Baby and Doctor's Appointment

Today's dotor appointment was the "panel" visit, where they review all of our medical family history.  We also had an ultrasound which was very exciting.  The baby kept kicking and moving around so much that it took about 10 minutes for the nurse to get a good picture or heart beat.  I don't remember Anna Rae ever being quite that active.  It was really neat to see how much the baby has grown since the last visit too.  He or she is measuring about 5 centimeters and the heatbeat was 170 beats per minute... good, strong, and healthy!  During our next appointment in March we may not have an ultrasound, but the appointment after that we find out the sex!!!

Other than the occasional aches and pains, and feeling a little nauseous, I'm doing great.  Actually felt good enough and had enough energy to go to the gym this week. I've decided not to run again, and just walk, lift weights and do pregnancy yoga like a I with Anna Rae.  Lately it hasn't been feeling sick as much as it's been feeling so tired that has kept me from keeping a workout routine.  I usually go to the gym during my lunch hour, but lately I haven't had the energy to.  Hopefully with the second trimester approaching I will start getting a little more energized! 

On a different note, I turned 30 this week!  I never thought about the possibility of being pregnant on a BIG birthday like my 30th, but it was pretty low key, relaxing, and fun.  Johnathan and I are going to Raleigh today to spend the weekend with Katie and Tripp.  My mom is keeping Anna Rae, and it will be a nice baby free, dog free weekend!

11 weeks!     

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Time for some Fruit

Actually, I'm not sure if olives are fruit, but you get the idea! ;)  We had another ultrasound last week, and everything is going great!  The doctor told us the baby is actually measuring a little bigger, and changed my due date to September 8th.  If this pregnancy is anything like Anna Rae's I will have the baby on its due date so they better get it right! ;)  I'm feeling pretty good, and as long as I eat something as soon as I get out of bed I'm not nauseous. 

Anna Rae did the sweetest thing the other day.  We are trying to explain to her that there is a baby in my belly, and she came up to me while I was sitting on the couch, lifted up my shirt, and kissed my belly!!! Johnathan and I just looked at each other like "did you see that?!?" haha, she is such a sweet baby, and I think she will be a great big sister!  And speaking of big sister... we announced the pregnancy with the cutest shirt.  For dinner at my uncle's house last Sunday night we had Anna Rae wear her shirt that says, "I'm going to be a big sister," and just let everyone figure it out once they read it! It was fun to see everyone's reaction.  Since we did the same thing with Johnathan's family I thought that would be a neat way to announce it to my work and the rest of the world a.k.a. facebook.  So that's what I did! :)


And here is the 8 week shot... I have no idea why it is turned sideways!

Time For A New Blog!

Happy New Year!  New year... means starting a new blog for the Kemps.  And since my last blog ended up being all about the baby this one might as well be too!  Yep... we are expecting again!!! My due date is September 11, 2013!

We found out on January 6th.  In the middle of taking down Christmas decorations for some reason I realized what day it was and that I was about a week late.  Luckily I still had a pregnancy test left over from when I found out I was pregnant with Anna Rae.  I ran to the bathroom and sure enough two lines showed up instantly.  Of course I ran to show Johnathan and we both went through a wave of emotions of shock, excitement, and worry.  Needless to say we are completely thrilled, and can't wait to meet our sweet baby!

On January 17th we had a little scare.  I went to the bathroom and started bleeding a little.  Since this didn't happen with Anna Rae I was worried and called the doctor.  I spoke with a nurse who scheduled us an appointment for late that afternoon.  We were so nervous, but luckily everything was fine!  I had an ultrasound and after seeing and hearing the heartbeat felt so much better.  The doctor even did some 3D images for us.  Turns out I had some abnormality between where the baby was and my ovary, and the doctor prescribed 30 days of progestrone to help.  Besides being a little more hormonal with the extra progestrone, I've had no more bleeding, and am feeling pretty good.  As usual, I get a little nauseous in the morning, but so far haven't been nearly  as sick as I was with Anna Rae.

I am 7 weeks now, and my next doctor's appointment is this Thursday, January 31st.

The proof!

Baby Kemp at 6 weeks