Pregnancy Ticker

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Bye, Bye First Trimester!

I'm pretty sure at this time with Anna Rae my blog post was titled the same thing.  But last time I was so relieved it was over because I knew the nausea would go away.  With this pregnancy I have been a little sick some days, but not nearly as sick as I was with her.  I'm most excited about my change of mood.  I have been so cranky and more short tempered than usual, which is really bad!  For the past few days I've noticed that I have had more energy and seem much more pleasant.  The other major difference in pregnancies is (TMI warning) my boobs are extremely sore.  They didn't get sore with Anna Rae until I was breast feeding.  And actually, they have been sore since I found out I was pregnant... that was one of my "signs."

I'm getting busier at work... which for some people would make them stressed and crazy, but for me, I love it.  The often times fast pace and always cluttered desk is good for me.  I go crazy with little to do, and think about all the other stuff I could be doing instead of work (what's for dinner, I need to do laundry, when is the house going to sell, look at more house plans, stop looking at more house plans and stick with the one I've picked out, etc. etc.) You get the picture.

I've taken a couple belly shots, but this week I think I've really started poking out... so here you go!

13 weeks!

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