Pregnancy Ticker

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Time For A New Blog!

Happy New Year!  New year... means starting a new blog for the Kemps.  And since my last blog ended up being all about the baby this one might as well be too!  Yep... we are expecting again!!! My due date is September 11, 2013!

We found out on January 6th.  In the middle of taking down Christmas decorations for some reason I realized what day it was and that I was about a week late.  Luckily I still had a pregnancy test left over from when I found out I was pregnant with Anna Rae.  I ran to the bathroom and sure enough two lines showed up instantly.  Of course I ran to show Johnathan and we both went through a wave of emotions of shock, excitement, and worry.  Needless to say we are completely thrilled, and can't wait to meet our sweet baby!

On January 17th we had a little scare.  I went to the bathroom and started bleeding a little.  Since this didn't happen with Anna Rae I was worried and called the doctor.  I spoke with a nurse who scheduled us an appointment for late that afternoon.  We were so nervous, but luckily everything was fine!  I had an ultrasound and after seeing and hearing the heartbeat felt so much better.  The doctor even did some 3D images for us.  Turns out I had some abnormality between where the baby was and my ovary, and the doctor prescribed 30 days of progestrone to help.  Besides being a little more hormonal with the extra progestrone, I've had no more bleeding, and am feeling pretty good.  As usual, I get a little nauseous in the morning, but so far haven't been nearly  as sick as I was with Anna Rae.

I am 7 weeks now, and my next doctor's appointment is this Thursday, January 31st.

The proof!

Baby Kemp at 6 weeks

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