Pregnancy Ticker

Friday, February 22, 2013

Lime Baby and Doctor's Appointment

Today's dotor appointment was the "panel" visit, where they review all of our medical family history.  We also had an ultrasound which was very exciting.  The baby kept kicking and moving around so much that it took about 10 minutes for the nurse to get a good picture or heart beat.  I don't remember Anna Rae ever being quite that active.  It was really neat to see how much the baby has grown since the last visit too.  He or she is measuring about 5 centimeters and the heatbeat was 170 beats per minute... good, strong, and healthy!  During our next appointment in March we may not have an ultrasound, but the appointment after that we find out the sex!!!

Other than the occasional aches and pains, and feeling a little nauseous, I'm doing great.  Actually felt good enough and had enough energy to go to the gym this week. I've decided not to run again, and just walk, lift weights and do pregnancy yoga like a I with Anna Rae.  Lately it hasn't been feeling sick as much as it's been feeling so tired that has kept me from keeping a workout routine.  I usually go to the gym during my lunch hour, but lately I haven't had the energy to.  Hopefully with the second trimester approaching I will start getting a little more energized! 

On a different note, I turned 30 this week!  I never thought about the possibility of being pregnant on a BIG birthday like my 30th, but it was pretty low key, relaxing, and fun.  Johnathan and I are going to Raleigh today to spend the weekend with Katie and Tripp.  My mom is keeping Anna Rae, and it will be a nice baby free, dog free weekend!

11 weeks!     

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Time for some Fruit

Actually, I'm not sure if olives are fruit, but you get the idea! ;)  We had another ultrasound last week, and everything is going great!  The doctor told us the baby is actually measuring a little bigger, and changed my due date to September 8th.  If this pregnancy is anything like Anna Rae's I will have the baby on its due date so they better get it right! ;)  I'm feeling pretty good, and as long as I eat something as soon as I get out of bed I'm not nauseous. 

Anna Rae did the sweetest thing the other day.  We are trying to explain to her that there is a baby in my belly, and she came up to me while I was sitting on the couch, lifted up my shirt, and kissed my belly!!! Johnathan and I just looked at each other like "did you see that?!?" haha, she is such a sweet baby, and I think she will be a great big sister!  And speaking of big sister... we announced the pregnancy with the cutest shirt.  For dinner at my uncle's house last Sunday night we had Anna Rae wear her shirt that says, "I'm going to be a big sister," and just let everyone figure it out once they read it! It was fun to see everyone's reaction.  Since we did the same thing with Johnathan's family I thought that would be a neat way to announce it to my work and the rest of the world a.k.a. facebook.  So that's what I did! :)


And here is the 8 week shot... I have no idea why it is turned sideways!

Time For A New Blog!

Happy New Year!  New year... means starting a new blog for the Kemps.  And since my last blog ended up being all about the baby this one might as well be too!  Yep... we are expecting again!!! My due date is September 11, 2013!

We found out on January 6th.  In the middle of taking down Christmas decorations for some reason I realized what day it was and that I was about a week late.  Luckily I still had a pregnancy test left over from when I found out I was pregnant with Anna Rae.  I ran to the bathroom and sure enough two lines showed up instantly.  Of course I ran to show Johnathan and we both went through a wave of emotions of shock, excitement, and worry.  Needless to say we are completely thrilled, and can't wait to meet our sweet baby!

On January 17th we had a little scare.  I went to the bathroom and started bleeding a little.  Since this didn't happen with Anna Rae I was worried and called the doctor.  I spoke with a nurse who scheduled us an appointment for late that afternoon.  We were so nervous, but luckily everything was fine!  I had an ultrasound and after seeing and hearing the heartbeat felt so much better.  The doctor even did some 3D images for us.  Turns out I had some abnormality between where the baby was and my ovary, and the doctor prescribed 30 days of progestrone to help.  Besides being a little more hormonal with the extra progestrone, I've had no more bleeding, and am feeling pretty good.  As usual, I get a little nauseous in the morning, but so far haven't been nearly  as sick as I was with Anna Rae.

I am 7 weeks now, and my next doctor's appointment is this Thursday, January 31st.

The proof!

Baby Kemp at 6 weeks