Pregnancy Ticker

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

38 week stats!

I had a great doctor's appointment yesterday!  At now 38 weeks here are my stats:

3cm dilated
50% effaced
Baby's head is very low
They did not estimate baby's weight
Contractions are getting more consistent and stronger 
Back pain is getting worse; mainly when walking

I'm feeling great (besides the usual back back and contractions), but tired, and SO ready to meet my little man!  Johnathan and I discussed a plan of action last night if I go into labor at home, and what we would do if I went into labor while we were at work.  His biggest concern was what to do if my water breaks... haul ass to the hospital, or would he have time to come home and shower before making his way to the hospital.  I didn't really know how to answer that question, other than we would play it by my pain level.  If my water breaks and I'm not in a terrible amount of pain then we don't have to speed, but should get to the hospital soon.  Any other concerns, like if my contractions get consistent and closer together I decided I would call the on call doctor and consult with him/her before jumping in the car to the hospital.  Hopefully this plan will work out.  And on that note, we better put the car seat in the car... just in case!

On Sunday my sister took some fabulous belly pics for us!  Looking back, we took pictures at the same time with Anna Rae, and I think I looked pretty much the same... here are some of my favorites.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Full Term Winter Melon

I have never seen a winter melon, but imagine it's something like a watermelon because that's about what my stomach looks like! ha!  Adam is still kicking away, but his movements have become a little more painful as he does all he can do to stretch out with the tiny amount of space left in his cozy little temporary home.  And speaking of his home, I don't think I have blogged about his "nursery."  Since we are now living in my parent's rental house with only two bedrooms, little Adam is shacking up with us.  We put the pack-n-play in a corner of our bedroom, and will keep him in there until he gets a little bigger.  Maybe sometime before the end of the year we will move the crib in there.  The crib takes up so much more room than the pack-n-play, which is why we opted for the first couple of months while he is so little to just keep him in there.  Hopefully this will work out nicely.    

At this week's doctors appointment everything went great.  Found out I am slowly making some progress... 1 centimeter dilated and 50% effaced!  I'm also battling a sinus infection, but was able to get some antibiotics and cough medicine from the doctor, so hopefully in the next couple days I will start feeling much better.

In sadder news... we sold Johnathan's truck.  It's a little bittersweet because everyone in the family had a little attachment to that great truck, but it was the best financial decision for us.  I promised him one day we will get a new bad ass truck for him, and his sacrifice will be so worth it in the end!  This all came about after Johnathan has been reading Dave Ramsey's book, The Total Money Makeover.  The book has some great ideas about saving, spending, and getting out of debt.  We want to be good role models for our children, and make sure we make the best financial decisions for both ourselves and their futures.  We are on the right track to build our beautiful dream home, and I can't wait to start! 

Here is a picture at 37 weeks!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Overdue Post

I promise, Adam, I'm not trying to be slack, but between getting ready for your arrival and work and keeping up with your sister, it's hard to find time to write about all the great things happening. 

My doctor's appointments have started to be weekly now, which means I'm in the final stretch!  Hopefully these appointments will start showing more progress than today's appointment.  At 36 weeks baby Adam is perfect size, and I'm a centimeter dilated, but not effaced at all.  Let's hope all these cramps and contractions are doing their job and we get to meet little Adam soon! 

During my appointment last week I was tested for group B strep, which I have again.  That just means I will have to be put on an IV when I deliver.  I can handle that, and had it with Anna Rae, so I was not surprised to hear I had it again. 

Lately cramps and exhaustion is keeping me down, but I'm still working and still running around after a 2 year old!  I try to take walks after work, but in this heat it's impossible.  I have started to learn to ask Johnathan to do more things around the house so that I can relax a little.  Saturday we went shopping in Raleigh for all things baby... we went to Babies R Us to get items we didn't get from our showers and we really racked up on some good deals, not to mention we had over $300 in gift cards to use! Thank you!!!  I opted to not get the tandem stroller and instead just got the ergo baby carrier.  I figured I would get much more use out of the carrier since we really don't use the stroller that much anymore.  Hopefully that was a good move.  I also invested in some good nursing bras.  Can you believe I never used them with Anna Rae, but this time I know better! 

Last Friday my office threw me a really sweet luncheon shower!  I got some great necessary gifts for Adam and we had a great time.  Now, I think I'm set, and ready for his arrival!