Pregnancy Ticker

Monday, April 22, 2013

It's a BOY!!!

 April 18th was the big day!  We were so excited and couldn't WAIT to find out if we were having another girl or a boy.  Heading into the ultrasound room I could tell that Johnathan couldn't be more nervous... although I knew he would have been thrilled if it was another girl, I knew deep down he had been dreaming about a little boy for a long time.  We both thought it would be great to get the best of both worlds and have one of each. 

Before the appointment I made these little signs for Anna Rae to hold up... one said, "I'm getting a little brother, it's a boy!" The other the same but for a girl.  She took excellent pictures for the boy's sign... sat there and smiled pretty.  The girl sign, on the other hand, was hilarious.  She didn't want to hold it and crumpled it up so much that we decided if it was a girl we wouldn't let her do the announcing. 

So the time came, after seeing his precious head, arms, legs, back belly, etc. for the big reveal.  Legs wide open and yes, it's a boy!!! We were so excited!!!!!!  I can't wait to meet my little precious boy!

For names, we had decided early on that we would stick with family names since Anna Rae was named after family.  It he had been a girl we were going to name her Rachel (my first name).  So for a boy, we went with Johnathan's middle name, Adam.  The middle name is a little trickier, and we haven't settled on what that will be quite yet. 

The rest of the appointment was not as eventful.  We did learn that little Adam is not so little, and actually measuring a week ahead of his due date.  We also found out that he is breech.  I'm a little worried about that, but I know there is plently of time for him to move.  Let's pray he doesn't get comfortable in that position! 

At 19 weeks! (and the doggies)

Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy Easter and a Whole Lot of Flutters!

We had a great Easter yesterday!  Church was great, and afterwards we had a very good lunch at my uncle's house.  After lunch the kids had an easter egg hunt, and then we went to my mom's house for more easter basket goodies!  She still loves to give us all easter basket gifts full of candy and a little something special, and we all love and appreciate it so much!  Makes me feel like a kid again!

We've reached a fun point in my pregnancy that I don't think I noticed this early with Anna Rae... the baby is moving SO much and I can feel every flutter!  I don't remember feeling Anna Rae this early in my pregnancy, probably because I didn't know what I was supposed to be feeling.  But, once you feel that feeling you don't forget!  AND, actually, Johnathan was able to feel a little kick or two last night! This point in my pregnancy makes me so happy.  I don't feel nearly as worried and know if I start to worry I can be still and quiet for a minute and kick, there it is! :) 

Here is a picture of Anna Rae in her Easter dress yesterday... and yes, she's sporting Chuck Taylors with her dress! :)